Sequoia National Park

A throwback post to my trip to Sequoia National Park in California from 2017!

Cheese and jalapeno bagel

First things first.

Stopped at a local cafe to get breakfast. I got this cheesy jalapeno bagel and an acai bowl.

We drove from Fresno to the park. Even though it was only about 30 miles, it took almost 2 hours to drive up to the top.

As someone who grew up in the Midwest, the dry air, brown grass, and desert hills were an amazing sight to see on this random Thursday morning drive.

The beautiful view of a valley.

Our rental car looked like it was in a car commercial.

Walking to the General Sherman tree.

The sunlight came in between the trees to create some beautiful morning light.

The General Sherman tree is so big, I could not get it all in one shot.

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Outfit of the day-casual grunge, pink hair, and my dog